002, Part 3 of 100 Essays of Musings on Covid19- Corona Virus, Yoga Vasishta

Part 3 of 10 Essays series, of Musings on Covid19 -Corona.
Continuation of:--
Part 1 is at: http://vivekanandayb.blogspot.com/search/label/284
Part 2 is at: http://hinduismreformsyb.blogspot.com/search/label/032
Karkati is a Demoness. In Yoga Vasishtha she is a benevolent demoness. Her form is ala a 'needle'. She is linked to an epidemic called VishUci, which Yoga Vasishtha's Telugu language have interpreted as Cholera. Karkati, to satiate her hunger , was moving in Himalayas, searching for food. Karkati came across a king and his minister . Being a wise demoness, she did not directly venture into devoring them. She placed before them a set of ten questions about wisdom. The king and his minister answered them with equal wisdom .
After the king 's minister answered the questions asked by Karkati satisfactorily , she and the King & his minister develop friendship. After some mutual praise , Karkati narrates her food needs , food habits and preferences. Then, the king and his minister request the Demoness to save their country from heart throbs and Cholera. Karkati consents to it and teaches them a magical chant for overcoming cholera and heart throbs , after they bathe, and approach her in cleaner states of body and mind . In return, the king and his minister promise the Demoness Karkati, food, in the form of 'vadhya jIvis' (Creatures worthy of getting killed and eaten).
Who are these edible humans selected by the king and his minister ?
One Sanskrit Verse is worth quoting here:atha tE pArthiva griham prApya tAm rajani mithaha kathaika gruhE ramyE kshapayAmAsurAhataAha.
prabhAtE antaha purE tasthau purandhI janalilayA rAkshasI mantri rAjanau sva vyApArE babhUvatuhu.
tatO divasa shaTkEna sancitAni mahIbhritAha nrupaha parapurEbhyO api svamanDala gaNAntathA.
ThriNi vadhya sahasrANi tAni tasyau dadau.
English gist : Then, they take her to their palace. She spends the night in a good room talking with the king and his minister . Next morning the king and his minister go in search of killable people . They collect some 3000 killable persons in six days, both from their own country and neighbor countries . They hand over all such killable people to the Demoness Karkati of Needle Forms.
Sanskrit verse: sA babhUva nishA kAlE
saivOgrA krishNA rAkshasI
tAni vadhya sahasrAha jagrAha
bhuja manDalE yayau
rAjA namAs pruchchya tadaiva himavat siraha.
daridrA labdha hEmEva grahEshu ugra SarIrINI tatra
tripta bhriSam , bhuktvA sukham suptvA
dinatrayam AasIt prabOdha sukhasthA
sA samAdhi matihi punaha.
This process repeats every four or five years , i.e. the Demoness gs
Some of the 21st Century Rulers of India seem to think that they can take the country to mythological ages .
References: http://www.newsonair.nic.in/Main-News-Details.aspx?id=363639 said: 'Mr Modi then went inside a cave near the shrine to meditate. Draped in a saffron shawl, Modi was seen meditating at the holy cave.'
With malice towards none: As Indians we have great respect towards our Prime Minister . He carries Bhagavad Gita to all the countries he visits. He might have studied Yoga Vasishtha too in great depth. Now as Indians what we can wish is, he as Prime Minister and Shri Ramnath Kovind as King (as President of India, he is equal to king of India ), may please explore Kedarnath, Badarinath Area to seek out the Demoness Corona, who may be an incarnation of the Demoness Karkati, answer her questions of wisdom , bring her to Delhi, and get protections from her against the deadly Corona. It is how our Kirata King and his Minister in Yoga Vasishta, Utpatti Prakaranam, Chapters 69 to 73 saved us from the deadly diseases.
My fantasy with no malice towards anybody
Mr. Donald Trump, President of US, is believed to be playing Golf, while his country is being devasted with Corona Virus. Mr. Narendra Modi, Hon. Prime Minister of India may be in his Yoga Nidra. My fantasy is: If Mr. Trump takes to Yoga Nidra, and Mr. Modi takes to Golf?